3D Printing Classes in Medovets, Bulgaria
😌 As someone who is concerned about the negative aspects of technology in our daily lives, I rarely find moments to truly appreciate the power of the internet and the global connections it facilitates. While we often take its many benefits for granted, it's important to recognize the positive impact it can have.
Recently, I had the pleasure of spending my lunch break teaching 3D modeling and 3D printing to children in my village in Bulgaria. Just like that, sitting in my living room in Delft and sparing an hour of my lunch break to do something meaningful. It was incredibly fulfilling to see how excited they were after the class and to receive all these images from their teacher.
Just think about how many lives you can influence in just one hour from the comfort of your living room.
PS: Since I needed to read the text from the camera when they turned for the photo, the text appeared mirrored. 😂 😍